Will Jacquemus be Matthew Williams' successor at Givenchy?

Excitement over Instagram post.
At the beginning of December last year, Givenchy announced its separation from Matthew Williams . As of January 1st, 2024, the collaboration with the founder of 1017 Alyx 9SM should be ended.
Matthew Williams joined Givenchy in 2020 and led the fashion house in a new direction. By incorporating street style elements, Matthew managed to grow the brand online and on social media. He gave Givenchy a new lease of life and reached the international market to expand its clientele. Overall, we can speak of a successful time, and that's exactly how it was published in the press release by both parties. Both Matthew Williams and LVMH showed the audience a respectful breakup. Williams now wants to work specifically on his own brand and continue to build it.
The search for a successor now begins for Givenchy . LVMH has so far only announced that the Givenchy team will initially take over work on the upcoming collections.
Almost parallel to the separation of Matthew and Givenchy, Simon Porte Jacquemus shared a post from an office on his Instagram account with the caption "Chez Hubert de Givenchy " (German: "A guest at Hubert de Givenchy "). The news spread quickly on social media and speculation arose as to whether Jacquemus might become the new creative director at Givenchy . Neither LVMH nor Jacquemus himself have yet to comment further on this topic. So we can only continue to speculate and dream.
But is this even realistic? And what would this cooperation bring to us and to both parties?
Jacquemus knows how to stir things up... He's presenting his new show in January, and of course he created a lot of hype with this post. So you could also assume that the post is just a clever marketing move.
But assuming this were not the case, the question arises as to what benefits Jacquemus would gain from a possible collaboration. His own brand is currently doing great and his last show in the Garden of Versailles showed how established Jacquemus is now in the fashion world. There's no question that becoming Creative Director at Givenchy would be a huge step in Simon Jacquemus ' career, but for his own brand, this path might not be all that forward-driving. That's why you have to consider whether this dream can even come true.
But of course there are other names in the room. On the one hand, there is Sarah Burton , who most recently finished her work as creative director at Alexander McQueen . But we also think this possibility is a nice dream, as we suspect that Sarah will take a break first.
Another option would be Julien Dossena , the current creative director at Rabanne . According to rumors, this collaboration will end in a few days, and that would mean that Julien would be free to work at Givenchy . But nothing is certain here either. Julien has done a satisfactory job at Rabanne so far, and the previously quiet fashion house has particularly benefited from the collaboration with H&M .
The question of Givenchy 's new creative director has not yet been clarified, and we are looking forward to Paris to see what else will happen before the menswear show on January 17th. does.
What do you think: Is Jacquemus a good choice? And who would you like to see as Matthew Williams ' successor? Feel free to tell us.
1 comment
Klar, Jacquemus könnte für Givenchy eine gute Wahl sein. Er weiß, wie man für Trubel sorgt und ist in der Modewelt schon ziemlich bekannt. Sein Talent, Kollektionen zu gestalten, könnte Givenchy einen frischen Touch verpassen. Aber ’ne Sache ist, dass sein eigenes Label eventuell bisschen selbst darunter leiden könnte, wenn er sich so sehr auf Givenchy konzentriert.
Sarah Burton und Julien Dossena sind auch echt gute Kandidaten. Sarah hat ja schon bei Alexander McQueen richtig was gerissen und Julien hat Rabanne einen modernen Touch verpasst. Beide könnten Givenchy möglicherweise nach vorne bringen.
Am Ende kommt’s drauf an, welche Richtung Givenchy einschlagen will. Alle haben ihre Stärken, aber es muss passen, damit die Marke einen neuen Creative Director findet, der wirklich zu ihr passt.